Celebrating 100 years in fighting fit form

Rosemary Boulter, who lives in Dedham, was referred to ACE’s outpatients’ physiotherapy team at Mill Road Therapy Centre in Colchester, for exercise classes. She initially completed a 12-week strength and balance class and then moved on to an eight-week advanced bone-loading class. Both are designed to reduce the risk of injury from falls.
Ann Payne, associate practitioner with ACE at Mill Road Therapy Centre, said: “Rosemary took to the classes like a duck to water and has done tremendously well. Having completed the classes just a week before her 100th birthday, we thought it very appropriate to have a celebration with her family and staff at Mill Road – and, of course, a birthday cake!”
Rosemary, who has three children was the wife of an Army brigadier which meant them travelling all around the world, including India at the end of the Second World War. The couple moved to Dedham in 1998 and Rosemary was widowed in 2000.
Rosemary said at her party on Tuesday: “I’ve so enjoyed these exercise classes. Since I came out of hospital, the classes have helped me no end. It’s really nice enjoying the company of the others in the class as well.”
Outpatients physiotherapy is one of a number of community health and well-being services provided by ACE to the population of north east Essex and Suffolk.
Mrs Boulter exercising with Ann Payne from ACE.