Nearly 5000 a week
This is the number of repeat prescriptions that are coming through the four ACE practices every week; and 93% of these are paper copies… that is a lot of paper and a lot processing!
Consequently we are really pleased to announce that we are actively increasing our online offering by encouraging electronic prescriptions. Following a simple online registration process you can access your repeat prescriptions as well as view your summary care details.
In partnership with Colchester Borough Council (CBC) we are installing iPads into every ACE surgery so if patients do not have the facility at home they can access it at the practice. In addition to medical information, patients will also be able to view other local information including wellbeing services and details about the council – bin, library services etc.
For those who find the digital world a little daunting, help is on hand from the CBC team (pictured) who will be running advice sessions both in the surgery and out in the community. To see our programme of advice sessions, please click here.
Ultimately this move towards online access, starting with electronic prescriptions, is being encouraged by NHS England as part of the Long Term Plan, which sets out the ambitions for improvement regarding digital transformation. Technology will be used to help health and care professionals communicate better and enable people to access the care they need quickly and easily. The NHS urgent medical advice line 111 has recently gone online and later on in the year there will be a digital NHS app.