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Thank You from The Lower Limb Service

5th January 2021

The lower limb service which was set up in October 2020, would like to say a big thank you to friends of Clacton Hospital who purchased a specialised patient chair, wash trolleys and clinicians chairs. With this equipment the nurses providing in the care for people with conditions affecting lower limb, are able to protect their backs and knees, whilst the patient are kept comfortable and receive optimal treatment.

We would also like to thank Clacton on Sea Leg club for purchasing diagnostic equipment for the lower limb service to use. With this equipment the service is able to quickly assess the patients and deliver optimal treatment immediately.

The lower limb service is a specialist service in Clacton on Sea, they specialise in the treatment of wounds to the lower leg, often caused by the veins not working properly. The service offers preventative treatment, advice and support.

It is estimated that 730,000 patients suffer with lower limb ulceration, which equate to 1.5% of the adult population within the UK (Guest
et al, 2015).

Despite the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are continuing to provide a safe service to our patients both within their own homes, and in outpatient clinics.
We would like to urge people to speak with their GP practices and request a referral to the Lower Limb Service if they have any of the following;

  • Swelling to the legs
  • Fluid leaking from the leg/legs
  • Non healing wounds located from the ankle to the knee,
  • Redness to the legs



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