Welcome to Duel Energy and X-Ray Absorptiometry Scanning -DEXA scanning
A DEXA scan uses x-rays and a computer to measure your bone mineral density. From the information collected during the scan, it can tell whether you are at risk of having or developing osteoporosis (thinning of the bones).
We employ Diagnostic Healthcare to provide this service.
Where is the service provided?
Diagnostic Healthcare provides this service from its clinic at Stanway, Colchester.
It is open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (excluding Bank holidays) with some weekend appointments available.
How to access the service
If your GP or hospital consultant suspects you may have osteoporosis, he will refer you to us, and Diagnostic Healthcare will contact you shortly afterwards to arrange an appointment on a suitable day.
Full details of the appointment and contact details will be provided in a letter from Diagnostic Healthcare.