Services for Adults
This service is for service users who are concerned about hearing loss
Community Hospitals
This service provides care and rehabilitation beds in two community hospitals
Community Nursing
This service provides nursing care for housebound patients
Community Rehab
This is a service offering a physiotherapy and occupational therapy assessment which takes into account all elements of your condition, intervention, advice and signposting to support you in managing your own condition
This service helps to improve health and treat disease and conditions through nutrition and diet therapy for patients over the age of 16 years
Homecare and Support Service
This service can help provide extra support in the home due to either illness or an accident and help prevent admission into hospital
Integrated Community Cardiology Service
This service provides access to cardiology care in the community for people over the age of 18
Leg Ulcer Clinic
This service is for mobile patients who have not healed within six weeks of the care and treatment being delivered at their registered GP surgery
This is a service for Lymphoedema treatment, management and support for adults diagnosed with the condition
Musculoskeletal Service
This is an evidence-based treatment and advice service for patients with muscle and joint pain
This provides a service for minor eye conditions
This service provides an assessment and provision for supports and braces
Pain Management
This service supports patients to understand and come to terms with their chronic pain. It also gives patients resources and strategies for living with pain
Physiotherapy Outpatients
A clinic based physiotherapy outpatient service
This service provides an assessment and treatment of conditions related to the foot
Respiratory Service
This service provides a variety of services to support people with respiratory conditions
Speech and Language Therapy
This service provides therapy for speech, language, communication, voice and swallowing problems
Spinal Assessment Service
This service provides a specialised assessment for people with persistent neck and back pain
Strength and Balance Service
This service provides an individually tailored strength and balance retraining programme for people who are at risk of falls
Stroke Rehab
This is a Rehabilitation service from a team of therapists with a varied skills-set for people recovering from a stroke
Tissue Viability
A specialist wound advisory service for extensive and complex non-healing wounds
Ultra Sound Scanning Service
This service provides ultra sound scanning
DEXA (Duel Energy and X-Ray Absorptiometry Scanning)
This service provides the ability to measure your bone mineral density for risk of developing osteoporosis
Services for Children
This service provides an assessment service for the provision for supports and braces
Paediatric Dietetics
This is a specialist paediatric dietetic service for children with severe learning disability who attend specialist education settings within North East Essex
Paediatric Occupational Therapy
This service work enables children to participate in their activities of everyday life
Paediatric Physiotherapy
This service works with children to maximise their physical independence
Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy
This service supports children with communication or physical eating and drinking needs
This provides an assessment service for treatment of conditions related to the foot
Specialist Continence Nurse
This is a Paediatric continence service, including toilet training and continence product provision where appropriate for children aged between three-19 who have an additional need and/or diagnosis.