Welcome to Stroke Rehab
The Stroke Rehab Service supports people aged 16 and over who have problems with movement, function or communication after a stroke.
The team includes physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists as well as associate and assistant practitioners.
We will work in partnership with you and your family/carers to assess your needs and agree treatment goals, as well as support you with your rehabilitation and long-term self-management strategies.
We see patients who have just had their stroke as well as those who had their stroke some time ago who may be experiencing new problems.
We provide:
- Individual assessment and goal setting
- Early supported discharge for people who have just been discharged from hospital following a stroke. This service offers intense rehabilitation within your own home for up to six weeks
- Longer term management of your stroke including education, practical advice and support with self management techniques
- Close working with the voluntary sector, including The Stroke Association and The Tendring Stroke Support Service
- Equipment signposting or provision
- Referral to specialist services where needed.
Where is the service provided?
We see patients in their homes and the community as well as exercise/information classes at various venues in partnership with local voluntary organisations.
How to access the service
We work closely with the stroke unit at Colchester Hospital and Waverley Rehabilitation Unit at Harwich Hospital to identify patients who would benefit from our service on leaving hospital.
People who have a new difficulty but one related to an old stroke can be referred to us by their GP, practice nurse or any health or social care professional who can provide us with the information of the issue, relevant medical information and proposed treatment goals.